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Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image Beth is live! don't fade the biggest pet on ETH! Walter's Image


The cutest bunny
on ETH.

CA is Live!
Updated soon :)

Who is BETH?

In order to explain what Beth is all about we got our hands on a special voice recording

Beth's original recording. date unkown




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Dev wallet tokens
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Our top investors

Just some of our investors who you might recognize.

Our top investors

Click to hear what they had to say about Beth

Beth, an ethereum mascot.


©2024 BETH. website made by @rabbsxyz

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